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Centre imposes stock limits on pulses till October to prevent hoarding

The stock limits are imposed with immediate effect

PTI New Delhi Published 03.07.21, 02:10 AM
Representational image.

Representational image. Shutterstock

To prevent hoarding and check price rise, the Centre on Friday imposed stock limits on all pulses, except moong, held by wholesalers, retailers, importers and millers till October.

The stock limits are imposed with immediate effect. An order in this regard has been issued by the Union food and consumer affairs ministry.


Retail prices of pulses rose by more than 20 per cent during the January-June period of this year, according to the ministry’s data.

According to the ministry, the stock limit of 200 tonnes has been imposed on wholesalers provided they do not hold more than 200 tonnes of one variety of pulses.

For retailers, the stock limit will be 5 tonnes.

In the case of millers, the stock limit will be the last three months of production or 25 per cent of annual installed capacity, whichever is higher.

For importers, the stock limit will be the same as that of wholesalers for stocks held/imported prior to May 15, 2021.

For pulses imported after May 15, the stock limit applicable on wholesalers will apply after 45 days from the date of customs clearance, the order said.

If the stocks of entities exceed the prescribed limits, they have to be declared on the online portal ( of the department of consumer affairs and have to be brought within the prescribed limit within 30 days of the notification of this order, it added.


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