Yesterdate: This day from Kolkata’s past, May 6, 1945

On this day, Amrita Bazar Patrika highlighted the surrender of German forces on the southern front, marking a significant milestone in the conflict

Jacob L. Devers File

Chandrima S. Bhattacharya
Published 06.05.24, 11:39 AM

“Nazis give in on southern front,” read the front page headline on this day in Amrita Bazar Patrika, published from Calcutta.

The report from Paris, dated May 5, said: “General Devers reported to General Eisenhower this afternoon that army group ‘G’ commanded by General Schultz surrendered to the Sixth Army Group.


“The capitulation is effective from Sunday noon but both sides in radio broadcasts are now announcing the end of hostilities on their front so that there may be no further loss of life.

“The German army group which surrenders at noon tomorrow to General Devers comprises two armies — the First and Nineteenth, says Reuter’s special correspondent.

“The surrender will mean… practically the end of action on the southern front. The surrendering German army group covers the front extending from Kirchberg, three miles south-west of Linz, to the Swiss border. According to unofficial estimates this army group may number 200,000 to 400,000 men.”

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