Yesterdate: This day from Kolkata’s past, May 30, 1826

The first Hindi newspaper in India, Udant Martand (The Rising Sun), was started on this day from Calcutta

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Chandrima S. Bhattacharya
Published 30.05.24, 10:52 AM

The first Hindi newspaper in India, Udant Martand (The Rising Sun), was started on this day from Calcutta.

Published by Pandit Jugal Kishore Shukla, it was a weekly newspaper brought out every Tuesday.


Shukla, a lawyer from Kanpur who worked at the Sadr Diwani Adalat in Calcutta, felt a need for a newspaper for the Hindi-speaking people in Calcutta. Newspapers in English and several Indian languages had already started by 1820.

Udant Martand was the first newspaper published completely in Hindi, using the Devanagari script. It used a mix of Khari Boli and Brajbhasha dialects.

The newspaper did not find enough subscribers, however, and had to close down in December 1827.

May 30 is celebrated as Hindi Journalism Day in its honour.

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