Way to wellness through therapies

A treatment centre for men that opened in Joka on Sunday offers a bouquet of alternative healing therapies

One of the speciality chambers of the treatment centre in Joka.

One of the speciality chambers of the treatment centre in Joka. Bishwarup Dutta

Our Special Correspondent
Published 11.02.19, 07:16 AM

Wellness for men need no longer be just about making a weekend visit to a salon or spa for some relaxation.

A treatment centre for men that opened in Joka on Sunday offers a bouquet of alternative healing therapies, including yoga, mud baths, treatment with water and methods to inculcate daily habits that detoxify the body.


Dhunseri Men’s Treatment Centre is a boarding and daycare centre with massage rooms, equipment and expertise to handle various health conditions through focused therapies. The Rs 2.75-crore facility within the Nature Cure Yoga Centre was inaugurated by industrialist Sanjiv Goenka in the presence of Vandana Yadav, managing director of the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation.

The treatment centre specialises in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, asthma and liver ailments through exposure to elements of nature, according to M.A. Ramamurthy, chief medical officer of the Nature Cure Yoga Centre that was established in 1965.

“Through the food we take and the air we breathe, toxins enter our body. They mix with blood and our organs get compromised. The treatment at this centre focuses on regulating the food intake and inculcating good habits like rising early and going to bed early. In between, there are yoga classes and other therapies catering to the specific needs of each individual. All the activities are aimed at taking the toxins out of our system,” Ramamurthy said.

For good health practices to become habits, the recommended duration of training is a seven to 10-day course at the least. No oral medication is used in the treatment process, Ramamurthy said.

The therapies for men include shirodhana, in which medicated oil drips continuously for two-and-a-half-hours on the forehead of the person. This is said to be a cure for migraine and other headaches.

Another massage involves heating up 26 flat stones of various sizes in an oven and placing those on various parts of the body.

Therapies involving the use of water include one in which a jet hits different points along the spine. There is also a whirlpool bath in which the force of water coming out of pores in the tank hit the body while the person stands inside it.

C.K. Dhanuka, chairman of the board of trustees that runs the centre, said 80 people can stay at the centre at a time and get treatment. Rooms are of different categories, including suites.

Kolkata Yoga Sanjiv Goenka Diabetes Salon Treatment Hypertension
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