The leader of the Opposition, Suvendu Adhikari, on Wednesday announced the setting up of a Ram temple in his Nandigram Assembly constituency within a year and said the construction would begin on Ram Navami on April 6.
Adhikari’s announcement has come ahead of the scheduled inauguration of the Jagannath temple in Digha by chief minister Mamata Banerjee on April 30, on the occasion of Akshay Tritiya.
“We have decided to set up a Ram temple on a stretch of land in Sonachura (Nandigram). We will start its work with a bhoomi puja on Ram Navami on April 6. I hope the construction of the temple will be completed within a year,” Adhikari said while addressing a crowd after attending a march to celebrate the first anniversary of the consecration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Both Digha and Sonachuri are in East Midnapore district.
Trinamool Congress leader Kunal Ghosh said: “The setting up of the Jagannath temple in Digha has made many people lose sleep. We have no problem with anyone building temples, mosques or churches at any place in the state. But we object to making politics out of it, which is what Adhikari is trying to do.”