Yesterdate: This day from Kolkata’s past, August 15, 1947

On Independence Day, Amrita Bazar Patrika, a newspaper published from Calcutta, carried a report on the front page that resounded with hope

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Chandrima S. Bhattacharya
Published 15.08.24, 10:20 AM

On Independence Day, Amrita Bazar Patrika, a newspaper published from Calcutta, carried a report on the front page that resounded with hope.

“Chaotic Calcutta is at last quiet after the year-long travail that was about to suck everything noble in its soul. The anguished soul of its terrorised citizenry was released from the mortal grip of the communal warfare just on the eve of the great event, the epochal event of the century, anxiously looked for and sought after by heroes, known and unknown, Indians and Bengalis. It is a good omen that the road to life, with possibilities that can put into insignificance even the atomic power, has miraculously been thrown open on the eve of this great event. With what a vigour it since then has been manifesting itself throughout the length and breadth of the city of Job Charnock,” it began.


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