East Bengal’s new investor Shree Cement Limited on Sunday said it would not allow any deviation from the term sheet signed by both the parties early last month.
“We will go by the term sheet agreed upon by both the parties and any change willnot be welcome by us. FSDL, which runs the Indian Super League, has also been apprised of the situation,” Srenik Sett, advisor to the investor, said.
East Bengal were officially announced as ISL’s 11th team last Sunday, but the new investor hasn’t announced the squad as well as the name of the coach. That’s because the term-sheet impasse has put everything on hold.
According to the term sheet, East Bengal would transfer the sporting rights as well all its assets and properties (including intellectual) to the newly-formed company Shree Cement East Bengal Foundation.
However, last week during the extraordinary general body meeting, some club members voiced their reservations over certain terms and conditions. They didn’t have any issue with the transfer of sporting rights, assets and properties, though.