Amid the gloom following their disappointing show of late, some good news could be on the way for Team India. Kuldeep Yadav, recovering at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru after sustaining a left groin issue, has made good progress and may be considered for selection in India’s Champions Trophy squad.
“My recovery went quite well and I’ve been bowling for some time now. I’m feeling good (about my progress),” the chinaman bowler told The Telegraph on Thursday.
On Wednesday, Kuldeep posted a short video of his bowling at the NCA nets on his Instagram handle with the words “Locked in.” The left-arm wrist-spinner has been on the sidelines since the first Test against New Zealand in Bengaluru last October. He also underwent surgery (in the groin region) in Germany.
The squads for the England ODIs (from February 6) and next month’s Champions Trophy are expected to be finalised by the end of this week. Even if Kuldeep isn’t picked for the England games, one can certainly be optimistic about his selection for the Champions Trophy, which begins on February 19.
India — with all their matches slotted in Dubai — begin their campaign on February 20 against Bangladesh.
“Whether he will be selected or not depends on his fitness, but he will be discussed for sure in the selection meeting. After all, he’s a champion bowler in all formats,” a BCCI official said.
A round or two of match simulation at the NCA awaits Kuldeep and if he clears them, he will soon get the fitness certificate.
“He has started bowling over the last 10 days or so. He’ll be coming to Kanpur after January 25 or 26 and we’ll then work further on his line and length, spin and other technical matters. By then, he should be getting the NCA’s clearance too.
“We’re quite hopeful about his Champions Trophy selection,” Kuldeep’s personal coach Kapil Panday said.