These days, most new smart TVs come with artificial intelligence processors, analysing elements like colour, detail, contrast and sound individually. Sony has taken the technology further with XR technology in two of its new TVs — X90J and A80J. Sony’s Cognitive Processor XR thinks like a human brain and analyses all components simultaneously, like the human brain. Here’s what Nakashima Tomohiro, deputy managing director at Sony India, has to say about the technology.
What kind of difference does XR technology brings to image processing in in perceivable terms?
Cognitive Processor XR is a major development over existing technology, artificial intelligence where cross analysis and human focal points are added to give it human intelligence. For a consumer it will be clearly visible because of its superior XR supporting technologies, such as XR 4K Upscaling which upscales every signal nearer to 4K, no matter what source it comes from. There’s XR Triluminos Pro, which depicts real-world colours with no artificial feel and a well-balanced wide colour gamut with 3D colour depth. And there’s XR Motion Clarity for no blur, no noise… the action stays smooth, bright and clear.
Image is one part and then there is sound. Is there a more realistic soundscape?
Cognitive Processor XR has human intelligence which allows it to think like a human brain whether it is picture or sound. With the help of XR sound positioning and XR surround, all Bravia XR models will have 5.1.2 channel surround experience. One can feel sound coming directly from the screen which is perfectly matched with the actions.
What kind of brightness can we expect?
XR Contrast Booster is available on LED panels and XR OLED Contrast booster for OLED. Brightness is adjusted for higher peaks in glare and deeper blacks in shadow, which means details don’t get overwhelmed by shadow or are lost in blown-out highlights.
And what has the technology got to offer gamers who want to hook up the PlayStation?
All Bravia XR models are ‘next gen TVs for gaming’ loaded with all major gaming features, such as HDMI 2.1, 4K 120fps and auto low-latency mode. Variable refresh rate (VRR) will also be available with a firmware update.