In Pursuit of a New Dawn by Anirban ‘Andy’ Bhattacharyya is a thought-provoking collection of eight short stories that explore the resilience of the human spirit in the face of societal and personal challenges. Each narrative focuses on ordinary people confronting extraordinary circumstances, often dealing with social stigma, systemic biases, and emotional difficulties. The stories explore themes of justice, redemption, and personal transformation, shedding light on the complexities of right and wrong. A t2 chat with the author:
In Pursuit of a New Dawn deals with quite a few profound themes. What inspired you to write such stories?
I was born during Jagadhatri Puja. I have been a proponent of feminism since I was a child. Witnessing the repercussions of patriarchy in my own family from a young age has shaped my thoughts, so I have always been an advocate for equality and equity. For me, there is no free lunch. I do not take a single meal for granted. So, for me, diversity, equality, and inclusion have always been important issues. I always try to dig into spaces where I see inequality or injustice.
Lots of the characters in the stories in the book seem to navigate the space between right and wrong, which makes them all the more human. How do you chart this moral ambiguity in your storytelling?
I want my protagonists to leave strong messages for readers. All other characters are set around this key figure. As for themes, I try to highlight difficult material through my stories; a subject that an average person would not be thinking about or sharing, or an action they would not necessarily have the courage to perform. Growing up, I was a curious child, and I often asked tough questions. That inquisitive nature has stayed with me. Moral ambiguity is rule-based. For me, it is all about what you want to achieve in life. Listen to your mind, heart, and soul – that is what defines morality.
Did any particular life experience or people shape the stories in the book?
I have personally met all the characters I write about. But I use only their context for the stories – beyond that, all of it is fiction. Every story is essentially based on reality. I have travelled from the Sundarbans to Kalimpong to Purulia, and I have uncovered social challenges that exist no matter what part of the country one is in. Everyone has their own story to tell, and perspectives are endless.
Many of your stories focus on marginalisation and overcoming societal prejudices. What do you think needs to change in society to bring about the “new dawn” you talk about in your stories?
Education. The theory of change starts with education. Experiential learning is key. That is what drives empowerment. Every individual needs to realise his or her potential to create change. Not everyone can be a changemaker, but one at least needs to drive to a point where the changemaker can pick up where they left off and run with it in turn.
Do you think there’s a specific takeaway you want readers to have after reading In Pursuit of a New Dawn?
Social movements come in many forms. Through words, through my pen, I have tried to start a movement. Be a part of this movement! Ask your own self! Be true to yourself. That is the best way to know your own soul. Once you know what is true and what is false, go look for the truth and fight for what is right. Most importantly, never give up.