Senior officer of the Assam government was caught red-handed when he was allegedly taking a bribe, police said on Saturday.
Kisan Kumar Sharma, the joint secretary in the Home and Political Department, was arrested on Friday night while accepting bribes for the renewal of the licence of a security firm, they said.
The Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (V&AC) wing of the Assam Police arrested him."In a late evening Ops, @DIR_VAC_ASSAM trapped red handed and arrested Sri KK Sharma ACS Joint Secretary to Govt of Assam after accepting INR 90k from complainant for renewal of security firm license," Special Director-General of Police (V&AC) Gyanendra Pratap Singh tweeted.
A further search of his house led to the recovery of Rs 49.24 lakh in cash, Singh added.Sharma is an Assam Civil Services (ACS) officer.