Caroline of ‘The Vampire Diaries’ fame is back in Mystic Falls
TVD fans, it’s time for a binge watch
Caroline Forbes is back in Mystic Falls, and we can’t help but miss Elena, the Salvatore brothers Damon and Stefan, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler, Alaric, Jeremy and of course Nikclaus.
Candice King aka the popular girl and Miss Mystic Falls of Mystic Falls High School, Caroline has made her yearly visit to Mystic Falls, and posted glimpses on her Instagram handle with the caption “My yearly visit back home to Mystic Falls 🩸 such a special celebration of years that meant so much ♥️”. The house, the swing and the grey sky takes a TVD (The Vampire Diaires) fan back to the days of romance, gore and folklore.
With the holiday season kicking in and Candice’s Instagram making us miss The Vampire Diaries, perhaps it’s time to pour a large cup of hot chocolate and start a binge watch marathon.
— Pooja Mitra
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