Ever made a wish on a shooting star? Well, Ayushmann Khurrana has
The actor witnessed a meteor shower on the outskirts of Pune with a bunch of astro researchers
Who would have thought that cosmic debris entering the Earth’s atmosphere at a shooting speed would look so magical? Actor Ayushmann Khurana got lucky as he and a bunch of astro researchers went to the outskirts of Pune to catch a live meteor shower. As per his post, the night was a moonless night which gave the shower a good chance to shine. Using high-tech telescopes the search began using the laser to pinpoint celestial bodies. Ayushman writes that his laser fell for Jupiter but the meteor shower for him was a “special spatial experience”.
The last time the actor had done this was six years ago during the wrap-up party of Andhadun on the exact dates. In his post, he also thanked astro photographer Jameer Manur and his team.
The meteor shower that Ayuhsmann was looking at was the Geminid Meteor Shower, which takes place every year around this time. It can be seen from anywhere in the world as long as it is a moonless night and a dark location. Although the dates for the shower have surpassed, it might be possible to see what’s left of it and if not, there’s always next year.
— Urvashi Bhattacharya
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