Sachin Tendulkar lauds mother-in-law Annabel Mehta’s memoir, ‘My Passage to India’
Based on her travels from England to India in the 1950s, the book covers Annabel’s life, love and everything in between

When she travelled to Mumbai to spend time with her then boyfriend and now husband Anand Mehta, Annabel’s family in London was in dismay. Penning her journey in her Memoir My Passage to India, Annabel Mehta gives an honest and open account of her travels from England to India in the 1950s. A story that will take you on a rollercoaster ride from her experiences of a new city to love, marriage and everything in between. Even her son-in-law was in awe of the book. Sachin Tendulkar shared a picture with his mother-in-law and her new book that takes one on her journey. Check out Sachin’s thoughts on the book on his Instagram page. Available on Amazon for Rs 464 for the hardcover and Rs 440 for the kindle edition, My Passage to India: A Memoir is worth the read to take inspiration from.
— Debrup Chaudhuri