A Band of Boys reunite to turn back time!
Karan Oberoi, Sherrin Varghese, Chintoo Bhosle and Sudhanshu Pandey sing ‘Gori’, giving fans a real treat
Is it the 2000s’ all over again? It will sure feel like it with the reunion of A Band of Boys for a quick jam session. And we don’t claim to predict the future but that is exactly what has happened! The members — Karan Oberoi, Sherrin Varghese, Chintoo Bhosle and Sudhanshu Pandey — recently uploaded a reel of themselves reuniting and singing Gori in the most harmonious way possible. Is this the biggest comeback or what?
Although nothing has been officially said about the band reuniting, it doesn’t stop us from getting our hopes high. And if they keep giving us these harmonious covers of their songs, fans probably won’t be far off from expecting a pan-India tour.
— Urvashi Bhattacharya
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