What Chef Kunal Kapur served the first ladies at the G20 summit
Yuko Kishida, Emine Erdogan and Akshata Murthy relished the chef’s take on a ‘khichda’

With world leaders thronging to Delhi last week for the G20 summit, every aspect of the arrangements was under immense scrutiny. Deciding what they would eat was as big a responsibility as any, and the task of serving the First Ladies fell upon celebrity chef Kunal Kapur.
Kapur took to Instagram to share the millet-based meal he conceptualised for Yuko Kishida, Emine Erdogan and Akshata Murthy and others. The highlight of the spread was a dish called Jowar & Mushroom Khichda, where Kapur added a plant-based vegetarian twist to the traditionally meat-based khichda. With locally grown international mushrooms, Kapur ensured that the dish retained a meaty texture, while accommodating the benefits of a vegetarian diet. The photos sure look scrumptious, and we hope he decides to share the recipe one day!
—Vedant Karia
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