
Chef Chinu Vaze has a seven-day guide!

Take inspiration from the chef’s experience, but tweak it to fit your goals and body type

Image courtesy: Instagram
Published 14.10.22, 06:21 AM

“Be an omnivore, but a smart, intuitive one,” says Chef Chinu Vaze, as she shells out a seven-day diet in the run-up to Diwali. Vaze’s diet includes swapping all rice and wheat elements for millets and pseudograins, which is essentially going gluten-free. She also recommends omitting all alcohol intake, drinking a ‘Gut Cleanse’ juice (apple cider vinegar, honey and psyllium husk) every morning instead of coffee, and eating vegetarian food and fish, if you like the proteins. “I went to sleep every day feeling satisfied but not over-stuffed. I woke up feeling energetic and light (and not hungover!!). My BM’s (bowel movements) were like clockwork after the first two days, even without coffee. I had no bloating, indigestion, acidity and a flat stomach for once. This I think is a direct result of no gluten or (red) meat!” shares the chef, after following the diet for seven days. 

Note: The key element in Vaze’s diet is awareness. The chef knows her body and adjusts her food intake accordingly, and that’s the most important advice to follow. Remember, every body type is different and every body type is beautiful. 

— Lygeia Gomes

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