
Try this tangy, bitter-sweet and refreshing sorbet today

Head straight to Roastery Coffee House to avail this drink

Image courtesy: Instagram
Published 17.11.22, 06:19 AM

Coffee lovers, gather around. The Fat Little Penguin has collaborated with the Roastery Coffee House! They have created a creamy and smooth sorbet that takes the best of cascara. This coffee cherry tea is made from the dried skins of the coffee fruit which gives it a glorious fruity notes. The sorbet is smooth in texture and is lined with tangy notes courtesy the fruit along with bitter-sweet flavours which are reminiscent of the coffee. If you’re looking for something that is refreshing and cooling, but not as rich as an ice cream, you should opt for this sorbet. Not only is it a great palate cleanser but also will help end your meal on an intense, flavourful note. Available at the Hindustan Park outlet of Roastery Coffee House, this is a dessert for hardcore coffee lovers to enjoy. 

— Aatreyee Mohanta

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