As the trending song Dushtu kokil played in the background, Mimi Chakraborty grooved her way into Ozora. On July 4, Team Toofan — Bangladeshi actor Shakib Khan, Mimi, Mahendra Soni, Raihan Rafi (director) and Shahriar Shakil (co-producer) — got together to talk about the film. “Toofan is a proud moment for us. I’m really happy that people have all come together to support Bengali films. When everyone can wait for films like KGF, Pushpa and Jawan, and commercial films from different languages, then why not for Bangla commercial action movies? With the response that Toofan has generated across the globe, I’m filled with hope and positivity for a greater turn in the industry,” said Shakib Khan.
“I feel ura dhura about the success of Toofan. I’m thankful to the audience across the globe who watched the film, the teasers, and made reels to Laage ura dhura and Dushtu kokil. Each and every member of the team gave me so much love, that it translated into the success for Toofan,” said Mimi Chakraborty.
“The story of Toofan was born out of a beautiful collaboration between the two Bengals. It’s a step towards making Bengali films global, and how we can benefit the film industry with our work. We’ve around 40 crore Bengalis across the globe so we’re not behind in numbers, so we cannot be behind when it comes to making films. Even in UAE, Toofan’s shows went houseful! So we’re tasting a kind of success, that’s actually all of our success,” added Shakib.
“The film has got more love than I was expecting, and I feel the same as any successful director would about this moment! I’m astounded by the response outside the country and this elates me. We’re aiming for a film that makes us proud as Bengalis,” said director Raihan Rafi.
“Toofan is a milestone! When we started making it, we realised that we were working on something that was needed for a long time. It is a complete mass entertainer. I don’t want to think of it as a cross-border film, but a Bengali film in general, running across international theatres, with an increasing number of shows. I am happy about it and I hope it opens doors for every Bengali film that’s being made,” said Mahendra Soni.
“Toofan managed to create a storm in the theatres in Bangladesh and it broke records of the last 20 years within 18 days of its release. Before the film was released, I used to refer to it as Shakib’s film, Mimi’s film, Monida’s film (Mahendra Soni), the director’s film and mine... but after its release and the love it garnered, I feel it’s the audience’s film,” said Shahriar Shakil. Finally, Mimi and Shakib showed off some cool dance moves from their superhit number Laage ura dhura.