Occupying a capacious 2,500sqft space, Angel Agarwal Couture brings in style and designs that are inspired by high-street fashion. Steered by 25-year-old Angel Agarwal who though has professional degrees in fashion designing and jewellery designing, but learnt the tricks of the trade from her mom who owned a womenswear fashion label till the pandemic struck. “I think practical knowledge is what helps and though I did my fashion designing from iNIFD and jewellery designing from Sawansukha Institute of Gemology and Jewellery Design, I learnt about dealing with customers and matching colours and patterns first-hand from my mom. While her label dealt with womenswear, I have clothes for men as well,” said Angel who informs that her silhouettes, embroideries and cuts are a la mode.
Her debut edit that majorly caters to the new generation, features flowy shirts that are dressy yet sophisticated, trendy co-ord sets that have a dash of bling, and semi-bridal lehnga that would appeal to the bride who wants to go non-traditional. Angel who stresses that her ethnic wear is not deeply traditional but more contemporary, intends to explore the concept of drapes in her designs. “I am trying to build a collection incorporating the concept of drapes in my Western section like with skirts, shirts and even tops,” says Angel who is inspired by brands like Papa Don’t Preach, Liz Paul and Surya Sarkar to name a few.
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Angel Agarwal Couture, B-G-108, BG Block, Sector II, Salt Lake
Timing: 11am to 7pm;
Monday - Saturday