Leonard, Tyrion, Damon, Monica and more: The sitcom friends we can’t live without

This Friendship Day, find out which popular Hollywood sitcom character matches up with your friends group

Celebrate your friends and their Hollywood sitcom equivalents this Friendship Day Social media

Pooja Mitra
Published 03.08.24, 06:02 PM

Every squad is a medley of diverse characters. There’s the guardian angel, the enthusiastic one, the party planner and the prankster, creating an eclectic mix of friends who are simply indispensable. On Friendship Day, My Kolkata takes a look at popular characters from Hollywood sitcoms, who have become our buddies through thick and thin with their quirks and qualities. Raising a toast to the real-life pals, who remind us of these beloved sitcom buds...

The ‘always there’ friend 

If not Leonard Hofstadter from The Big Bang Theory, then who? The man with impeccable patience is Sheldon Cooper’s best friend! As much as we love Shelly, let’s hoot for Leonard! He is the sane sage in that fun bunch, staying by Sheldon, Rajesh and Howard, and is also a dear friend to Bernadette and a close confidant of Amy. He is not just Penny’s partner but also her bestie. Also, Leonard has a rare quality — he listens. He is a team player with a selfless streak. Leonard has his own funny traits, but when it comes to his friends, he’s a keeper and is always there for them.


The ‘planner’ friend 

It’s Monica Geller from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Period. The lady can plan in her sleep! From Christmas parties to Thanksgiving, birthdays to soccer — she is the go-to person when a job needs to be done. She’ll make both ‘lump and smooth’ mashed potatoes for her friends on Thanksgiving, offer shelter to a friend in need and be an anchor during life-changing events. Every friend group has one such rock, who might not be appreciated every day, but on this special day, we won’t shy away from celebrating them.

The ‘selectively active’ friend 

Manny Delgado from Modern Family is not lazy. Mention theatre, espresso or art, and watch him spring into action. However, soccer or sports in general isn’t really Manny’s thing, and that’s perfectly fine. You do you, Manny — we love you. Manny is like that one friend who is up for a long drive and cha at 2am, but will say ‘Maa baron koreche berote re’ if there’s a party with more than five people. The best part about having a friend like Manny is that if your interests align, a lazy day with him can turn into a therapeutic session.

The ‘stubborn friend’, who always comes around

Nick Radford from Good Witch is moody and stubborn like a tantrum-throwing kid, but he’s a darling nevertheless. The plus point of having someone like him in the group? Nick always comes around. There might be some drama (that’s the spice of life anyway), a bit of cajoling and a few eye rolls. His stubbornness can range from unresolved emotional issues to deciding what’s for dinner. But quirks like these are part of the package, and we’re team Kim Sharma from Mohabbatein, who firmly believes, “Koi pyar kare toh tumse kare, tum jaise ho waise kare, koi tumko badal kar pyar kare toh woh pyar nahin, sauda hai. Aur sahiba, pyar mein sauda nahin hota.”

The ‘forever-in-love’ friend 

Ted Mosby from How I Met Your Mother could have had a book like Barney’s, but with different content — a list of girls he’s been ‘in love’ with. Ted is the walking-talking example of someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. On ‘go sleeveless, it’s summer’ days, Ted wears his heart on his watch. We’ve seen how he met the mother of his kids, but how he fell in love at first sight, so many times, is a mystery even Cupid can’t seem to decode.

The ‘never sober’ friend 

Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones once confessed that he “drinks and he knows things”. The best part of having a friend like him is that the supply of drinks never runs out. More often than not, the ‘never-sober’ types share the best drinking stories — full of antics that are ROFL-inducing — and are always up for a drink, whether it’s khushi or gham. Plus, it’s undeniable that the best philosophising and theorising happens when we’re a few pegs under, in the comforting company of friends.

The ‘enthusiastic daredevil’ 

Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries is the winner, ladies and gentlemen. The man has an impeccable appetite (irony much?) for anything high-adrenaline — whether it’s his shenanigans with the car (careful, please), his drinking escapades (we mean alcohol) or chasing whatever catches his fancy. Now, while Damon’s good looks are a blend of art and aesthetics at their finest, his silly antics are on the rise as well. His enthusiasm is only charming when trouble isn’t skyrocketing like a price surge.

The friend, ‘who loves pranks’

Jim Halpert from The Office is the prankster we all want around because the mundane routine of everyday life needs a refresh button, best achieved with giggles and dollops of dushtumi. Whether it’s using a dribble cup for a coffee or tea lover or replacing alarm sounds with something spooky — the ideas are endless. These pranks can easily become a fun part of your Friendship Day celebrations. What say?

Friendship Day Friendship F.R.I.E.N.D.S Hollywood Sitcom TV Shows
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