Born in pre-Independence Calcutta, Nirmal Sethia was a stubborn teenager who wanted to do something in life separate from his family business. Growing up in London, and going back and forth through a struggling India, Sethia began to search for true love, which was tea! Tea has been his enduring passion since childhood, which is integral to every Indian household and is a way of life. For him, Newby represents a journey. Conceived to give shape to a dream of his late wife, it symbolises her desire to reignite his first love, tea. Founded in London in the early 2000s, Newby’s mission is clear: to rekindle appreciation for quality tea. Through meticulous preservation techniques, the brand safeguards the essence of hand-plucked leaves.
Talking about the love for tea, Sethia also has The Chitra Collection which stands as an unparalleled testament to the rich tapestry of tea cultures throughout history. Initiated by Nirmal Sethia in 2011, it showcases an exquisite array of teaware from across the globe. The collection has graced prestigious exhibitions worldwide. As part of the N Sethia Foundation, Newby is committed to enriching lives worldwide. Here’s a t2 chat...
What is your favourite kind of tea for breakfast, post-lunch and in the evening?
Our palate tends to get used to a particular tea. My all-time favourite tea is Kanjunga — it is a unique blend of high-grown teas. The palate is smooth with a very subtle fragrance and a touch of malty.
How do you ensure the highest quality and authenticity of your brand?
Ensuring premium quality production is the brand’s utmost priority. No other tea brand, locally or internationally, has the same rigorous quality-check standards, placing Newby at the forefront of the luxury tea industry. Every tea produced at the Newby facility has to carry certification of the fluoride content duly issued by the internationally recognised Eurofins lab. Fluoride is considered an antioxidant, provided it is consumed in restricted quantities, but excessive fluoride damages health. Newby only acquires the fine teas produced at the peak of the season whereby the fluoride content is the lowest.
We only use hand-picked leaves, mostly by the fine-picked method which selects just the bud and the top two leaves. Teas procured from China, India, Taiwan, Japan and Sri Lanka are stored under conducive conditions for each type of tea to ensure no damage to the leaves is caused. This includes separate storage rooms to avoid cross-contamination and 24-hour air purification and humidity control systems which allow the teas to stay as fresh as possible until they are packed. Our tea facility has received the highest accreditation in safety and quality from BRC Global Standards, a leading quality certification program used in more than 120 countries. With SEDEX, ISO 22000 and HACCP accreditations, our factory operations maintain the highest standards in every step of the process. Newby teas have also received certificates from Kosher and Halal organisations, which proves the product answers to the highest health standards and is beneficial for everyone.
What is the story behind the most expensive teapot, The Egoist, and what inspired you to design it?
Inspiration comes and it is not invited, it comes when it has to. The Egoist was created to give gratitude to tea that it deserves. The Egoist was my expression of giving dignity to tea that it deserves. Tea is brewed to perfection, in a small quantity, giving it ultimate character and charm.
What are your thoughts on the growing market for herbal teas?
The growth of the tea sector globally has been phenomenal. We have seen a huge demand for herbal beverages that can be drunk daily with healing and restorative qualities. Herbal teas are not teas in the classical meaning — teas only come from the plant 'Camellia Sinensis'. Herbal teas are actually tisanes and infusions enhanced with flavours. Many a time, when teas become unbearable to drink due to low and cheap quality, people find the best way to make money is by adding spices, herbs, and flowers to make infusions. In modern times, the term “tea” is used loosely for tisanes as well. Newby has an eclectic range of organic-certified wellness tisanes with herbs, spices, and flowers that are curated with attention to health parameters and attributed to overall wellness.
Tell us a bit about the estates and where are they located.
I don’t stick to one tea garden as the output quality of tea differs yearly, subject to several external factors, including climate; whichever tea garden has the best tea, is where we purchase our teas tea from, in China, India, Taiwan, Japan and Sri Lanka.
What is the story behind The Chitra Collection?
The Chitra Collection is an extraordinary private museum of historic teaware. In 2011 we set out with the task of acquiring the world’s greatest collection of teaware to preserve the heritage and art of tea cultures of the past. Named after my late wife Chitra, the collection boasts almost 3,000 objects and is already the world’s finest and most comprehensive of its kind. With objects from Europe, Asia and the Americas, and from over a thousand years of history, The Chitra Collection is a unique reflection of the importance of tea and the diversity of tea-drinking customs across the world. Intricate works by Meissen, Fabergé, Paul Storr, Sèvres, and Wedgwood are among the masterpieces found within, alongside a selection of newly-commissioned works of art.