Yesterdate: This day from Kolkata’s past, May 14, 1816

Large group from city met Sir Edward Hyde East to discuss founding of college that would introduce 'the literature and science of Europe', on this day

Sir Edward Hyde East

Sir Edward Hyde East

Chandrima S. Bhattacharya
Published 14.05.23, 05:27 AM

On May 14, 1816, a large group from the city met Sir Edward Hyde East, chief justice in the Supreme Court of Kolkata, at his residence, to discuss the founding of a college that would introduce “the literature and science of Europe” to children of the Hindu community, but in a manner that would not hurt Hindu sensibility. These men belonged to the Hindu elite prospering in East India Company-ruled Bengal.

He first received “some of the principal Hindoos” in a room at his residence, East wrote.


Hindoo College was established in 1817.

It later became Presidency College (of Bengal) and now is a university. The institution has played a major role in shaping Bengal and India.

Supreme Court History Hindu College Presidency College
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