Yesterdate: This day from Kolkata’s past, January 20, 1942

On this day, Amrita Bazar Patrika, published from Kolkata, carried the following advertisement, with the heading 'ANXIOUS TIMES WEAR OUT NERVES'

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Chandrima S. Bhattacharya
Published 20.01.24, 06:27 AM

On this day, Amrita Bazar Patrika, published from Kolkata, carried the following advertisement, with the heading “ANXIOUS TIMES WEAR OUT NERVES”.

It read: “Though you may be determined to endure anxiety with courage, do not forget that unless you adopt some means to maintain your nervous strength and vital force, both your health and your fortitude will suffer. You can defend yourself against the devitalizing effects of anxiety by taking Phyllosan tablets. These wonderful little tablets have a ‘revitalizing’ effect upon the whole organism. Your blood, your nerves, your brain, your heart, your circulatory system — every organ, every cell becomes charged with new vital force! Soon you will begin to feel younger, keener, more alive!


Everyone — especially those who have passed their first youth — can and should take Phyllosan tablets, for they contain no harmful druge, no animal extracts.

Start taking Phyllosan. (Pronounce FILL-O-SAN).”

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