The BC Block pandal was captivating in its simplicity. Chandernagore lights outlined swastikas on the exterior along with the third eye and three ashen lines on Shiva’s forehead. The lights stood out in the backdrop of the dark night. “The idol too drew praise from visitors. It was ash-coloured with a red forehead, and was sculpted by Pradip Rudra Pal,” said block secretary Rupak Mitra.
This was the block’s 44th Kali puja and among cultural programmes was a performance by Bangla band Chandrabindoo. “This was the band’s fourth time at our block and band member Upal even shared on stage that Chandrabindoo’s first-ever paid performance was right here in BC Block,” smiled Mitra.
Balaka Salt Lake City
Visitors to the Kali puja at BD Park walked into a ship-shaped pandal this year. The theme for the Balaka Salt Lake City puja was Chand Saudagar’s ship, as described in the Manasamangal Kavya legend. The idol was by Pradip Rudra Pal.
“The puja enjoys wide support. Nearly 800 devotees must have relished bhog after the puja at night and many morning walkers joined us shortly afterwards,” said Sonali Banerjee, who is the first woman president of the club’s Shyama puja committee in its 51 years. “The club was started with the intention of uniting residents of different blocks and today, even those who have moved to different countries have retained their membership.”