Movement for meaningful, safe Puja in new format

Participants split into 3 categories

Sourced by the Telegraph

Sudeshna Banerjee
Published 20.10.23, 05:41 AM

On Panchami morning, 47 cars set off to experience and evaluate the arrangements at about 300 pujas, the organisers of which have pledged to carry forward the standard of a movement that was started two decades ago.

CESC The Telegraph True Spirit Puja, powered by Indian Institute of Hotel Management, in association with Kutchina and Chemtex, is now in its 21st year.


The journey towards making Durga Puja across Kolkata and Howrah safe, happy and meaningful for all is taking yet another pioneering step this year.

Instead of there being a track common to all to compete on, the participants have been divided into three categories — gold, diamond and platinum — based on scale, environment, budget and past record. There will thus be not one but three Model Pujas emerging this year, one for each category. Similarly, there will be one Five Star and two Four Star pujas in each. The total prize money will be increased to about Rs 5 lakh.

“This will ensure parity and a level playing field, limiting the comparison among organisers of similar ability and legacy. CESC The Telegraph True Spirit Puja was a pioneer during its inception by turning the conversation towards safety, social and environmental aspects when all other awards were handing out prizes for aesthetic parameters like bright lights, big pandal and pretty idol. This time, too, we are taking another decisive step by categorising like with like, keeping in mind how each puja has evolved over the years,” said an official.

The core parameters for all remain traffic, crowd and fire management, the source of electricity being a major concern. Organisers are expected to take care of visitors by keeping provisions for drinking water, a first-aid counter as well as a help desk, with emergency numbers mentioned. Facilities made available to senior citizens and differently abled visitors will also be monitored.

Organisers are also expected to be mindful of the environment by shunning the use of plastic and other non-biodegradable materials, like thermocol, in the pandal. The ambience in and around the pandal should be hygienic.

While waste management remains a mandatory requirement, a new challenge to be overcome this year is dengue. Puja organisers are expected to keep their neighbourhood clean and free of stagnant water to keep mosquitoes from breeding. Special projects and endeavours undertaken by them through the year, be it for a social cause or a greening initiative, will be taken cognisance of.

Sound pollution also is frowned upon and a low decibel is prescribed for announcements and music played on the sound system. A commitment to gender neutrality, by chanting santanan dehi in place of putran dehi during pushpanjali, seeking a child in place of a son, is appreciated.

On Sashthi morning, it will be revealed which 15 pujas have made the cut after Panchami’s preliminary visits and reached the finals in each of the three categories.

They will be the ones to receive the visiting team of celebrity judges who will take the decision to crown the Model and Star Pujas, which will serve as the template to emulate and ameliorate for others.

Durga Puja CESC The Telegraph True Spirit Puja 2023
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