Kolkata to witness zero shadow moment on June 5

Such events mark the motions and positions of celestial bodies with respect to Earth

This happens twice a year when the sun is exactly overhead

This happens twice a year when the sun is exactly overhead Shutterstock

Published 01.06.22, 08:05 PM

Kolkata is going to witness its Zero shadow moment around 11.34am on June 5 on when there will be no shadow from sunlight at a particular time of the day.

This happens twice a year when the sun is exactly overhead, astrophysicist Debiprosad Duari said on Wednesday.


"Any form of visible light falling on an object generally produces a shadow, unless it is exactly above the object. People and any object, all around the world, living between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn (+23.5 and -23.5 degrees latitude) lose their shadows, though momentarily, twice a year. These two days are called zero shadow days," he explained.

On its return path (called Dakshinayan) the sun will again be exactly overhead in Kolkata on July 7 at around 11.41am and the day will be the second zero shadow day of the year, said Duari.

Duari said this event also reminds the people of motions and positions of celestial bodies with respect to Earth. These bodies directly impacts events like change of seasons, tides and eclipses.

Zero Shadow Day Celestial Bodies Celestial Objects Sun Earth Kolkata
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