Governor's move unfortunate: Degree recipients at Jadavpur University’s convocation

Students not very happy with governor's move

(L-R) Subhasish Jana; Abhishek Bhattacharya; Biswarup Pramanick

Subhankar Chowdhury
Published 25.12.23, 06:11 AM

Three degree recipients at Jadavpur University’s convocation told The Telegraph why they thought the event was important for them and why the chancellor’s action was not in the interest of the students.

Subhasish Jana


He received an MA degree in economics

I was looking forward to the convocation because it has been a long-cherished tradition of the university that the graduating students are awarded degrees on this day. I have studied for five years at JU. This certificate is a recognition of my journey at JU. I had an important assignment at the office. Still, I did not want to miss the convocation. When I boarded the train in Patna on Saturday evening, I learnt from a social networking site that our VC had been removed by the chancellor and the convocation had become uncertain. I think this move by the chancellor is against the interest of the students. Could he not decide on the removal a day after the convocation? I am glad the university authorities held the convocation overcoming the

Abhishek Bhattacharya

He received a PhD degree in life science

Receiving a PhD degree at the convocation has a charm of its own. It’s like the university is recognising the hard work one has put in. Besides, the degree certificate is crucial to pursuing my next level of study. But what happened before the convocation has left a bad test in my mouth. The way the vice-chancellor was removed in an attempt to disrupt the convocation was extremely unfortunate. Education should be insulated from politics. The conduct of the chancellor suggests education is not insulated from politics. His move seems political. The chancellor removing the VC and the state government asking the VC to continue and hold the convocation just a day before the event are not pleasant developments before a ceremonious occasion.

Biswarup Pramanick

He received a PhD degree in international relations

The day I defended my thesis in February this year, I was looking forward to receiving the degree at the convocation. I am from a humble background. Therefore, completing the PhD and getting the certificate wearing the robe on an august occasion like this had long been a dream for me. But today what the chancellor did has made all of us sad. I don’t know whether my degree certificate is valid or not. The governor has removed the chancellor. He was against the convocation. Now questions are being raised about the legality of the event. He should not be playing with our future.

Jadavpur University C.V. Ananda Bose Convocation
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