Dr Sushil Kumar Samanta, a retired gynaecologist, had been residing at FE Block since 1995. Recently he was moved by a “heartfelt gesture” from his neighbours. Dr Samanta was among the resident doctors of the block who were invited to a felicitation at FE Park.
The occasion became a joyous meeting among fraternity colleagues. “There are seven or eight of us from RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in the block,” he smiled, hailing Dr Ahindra Mohan Saha, a year his junior in college. The 79-year-old ENT specialist walked up to meet hm. “I was the block president six years ago. I still act in our plays,” he told The Telegraph Salt Lake.
This is the first time that doctors were felicitated in the block. “Last time, we held one for policemen. Before that, we had felicitated our sweepers and senior citizens. This year we wanted to thank our doctor neighbours. We have invited 42 doctors,” said Rajiv Changoiwala, one of the organisers.
While there were senior citizens like Dr Dipesh Kumar Mandal, 76, who described himself as the only neurologist in the block, there were also young members of the profession like Dr Bidushi Roy Chowdhury, a first year ophthalmology resident at BR Singh Hospital, who came with her parents. Her father received the felicitation on behalf of her elder sister Urvashi, also a doctor, who is studying in Manipal.
The contribution of late orthopaedic surgeon Dr Subir Bose was also mentioned. “He was extremely helpful towards block residents,” said Dr Mandeep Bedi, a haematologist who has been an FE Block resident for 18 years.
The block is also home to Dr Suhrita Paul, a former vice-chancellor of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences. “People have become conscious of the role doctors play in society especially after Covid,” she said.
All the doctors were happy with the recognition from neighbours. Dr Prabhabati Banerjee, a former professor of paediatrics at Calcutta Medical College, enquired about the clinic that is run at the park manned by local doctors. “I am planning to offer my services at the clinic if they need,” she said, while taking leave after the programme.
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