The mercury shot up to 41°C and could soar further on Poila Baisakh. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a heatwave alert in Kolkata and several other districts of West Bengal till April 16. As the weather threatens to play spoilsport with Nabo Barsha festivities, My Kolkata spoke to some experts for tips on how to celebrate with caution.
Hydration is the key — Anindya Mukherjee, associate professor, community medicine, Calcutta Medical College
If you have plans to step out for last-minute shopping or have a lunch date on Poila Baisakh, make sure you take adequate precautions against the heat. Anindya Mukherjee of Calcutta Medical College emphasised on prevention rather than cure and shared some do's and dont's to keep in mind
- Avoid going out between 11am and 4pm
- Prolonged exposure to the sun may be risky. Find shaded areas to rest if you are outdoors for long periods of time
- Drink lots of water and fluids before going out. Hydration is the best way to keep safe
- Keep splashing water on your face throughout the day
- Keep a wet towel behind your neck to keep your body cool
- Avoid drinking aerated drinks and caffeinated beverages
- Drink fresh fruit juice rather than packaged ones. Eating a fruit a day will also help
- Use sunglasses, caps, umbrellas, sunscreens and wear light-coloured cotton clothes
- Drink electrolytes to maintain a balance of salt and glucose in your body
- If someone faints all of a sudden, take the person to a shaded area and make them lie down on their side. Splash water on the face and take them to the nearby hospital. Heat stroke calls for immediate medical care
Skin and hair need extra care in summer — Abhijith Chanda, celebrity makeup artist
Summer skincare and haircare routine are a must. Make-up artist Abhijith Chanda tells us how we can look our best and yet save our skin and hair from the heat.
Skincare tips
- Wash your face and apply a sunscreen with SPF 50
- Don't use a tinted sunscreen. Use a normal one with a little foundation to make your skin glow
- Reapply the sunscreen every two to three hours
- Remember to apply a sunscreen on other exposed parts of the body as well
- Use light makeup. Avoid creamy products. Go for products that give a matte finish
- Opt for lighter shades of blush, eye shadows and lipsticks to give you a cooler, look
- Use sunglasses and umbrellas no matter how long you are outside
Hair care tips
- If you have long hair, tie it up. Make a stylish bun or a ponytail or a plait. Just don't keep it open as it damages your hair
- If you have an oily scalp or you sweat a lot, wash your hair with a very mild shampoo every day. Otherwise, you can wash twice a week
- Protect your head with a cap or umbrella when you go out
- Follow a proper hair washing routine that involves a basic shampoo and conditioner
Choose the right material — Priyankur Sengupta, fashion brand and business development head, AMGT Clothing
Festivals are a time to dress up and cotton clothes in light clothes are the best choice in the scorching weather, says fashion designer Priyankur Sengupta.
- Wear lightweight cotton or linen material in light shades. Knitted fabric like jersey can also be worn as they are very breathable
- Wear loose-fitting clothes that allow the air to pass
- Go for a matching or contrast fashionable hat or cap to protect your hair and head from the heat
- If you are going out in the sun, wear long sleeves and long pants to protect your skin from direct sunlight
- If you are away from the sun, then wear short clothes that allow your skin to breathe and keep away sweat
- It is imperative to wear cotton undergarments that absorb your sweat. This applies to everyone
Fruits, yoghurt can help balance a rich menu, — Chef Jayanta Banerjee, head of Culinary and F&B, Techno India Group
What’s Poila Baisakh without a sumptuous feast? But keeping the weather in mind, it is important to go for food that will keep your body cool, said chef Jayanta Banerjee.
- If you are eating rich food, then balance it out with foods like raw mango. A mango chutney after a full-course meal can cool the body down
- Include a salad of seasonal vegetables and fruits in your meal
- If you are having biryani or mutton, add a raita on the side. Yoghurt is very good for the body and helps in digestion
- Drink fresh fruit juices. Watermelon and lime-based drinks are highly recommended
- You can make summer coolers like aam pora shorbot, tamarind-batasha shorbot at home
- Include seasonal vegetables such as potol, jackfruit in the menu
- Try to include fish in the menu but avoid mustard paste. Go for a lighter gravy
- Enjoy your food but try to keep it as light as possible