Council orders on-spot evaluation of ICSE, ISC semester 1 exam answer scripts

The ICSE exam will start on November 29 and ISC on November 22

Representational image.

Representational image. Shutterstock

Jhinuk Mazumdar
Published 20.11.21, 07:11 AM

The answer scripts of ICSE (Class X) and ISC (Class XII) semester 1 exams will be evaluated by examiners at the centre (the school) on the day of the examination itself, the ICSE council said on Friday.

“...the Question Paper-Cum-Answer Booklets used by the candidates at your centre, to write the forthcoming Examinations, will be evaluated by Examiner(s) at your Examination Centre only. The Examiners shall visit your Centre to evaluate the booklets of the candidates of your centre and to upload and submit the marks to the CISCE on the very day of the Examination,” said a circular from the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE).


On the completion of the process of evaluation and submitting of the marks, the question paper-cum-answer booklets must be sent to the offices of the council, the circular mentions.

The ICSE exam will start on November 29 and ISC on November 22.

The ICSE is scheduled from 11 am and the duration of the exam will vary between an hour and 90 minutes depending on the subject.

ISC will start at 2pm and the duration of the exam is 90 minutes.

In the circular the council has listed the responsibili-ties of the supervising exam-iner, head of the examina-tion centre, who is the head of the school, and the exam-iners.

“... the Supervising Examiner will also evaluate answer scripts of the Centre. However, he/she will be accompanied by a team of Examiner(s) to evaluate the scripts, where the number of candidates at the centre exceeds 35 in case of ISC and 60 in case of ICSE,” the circular says.

The duty of the supervising examiner is also to ensure that the scripts of all candidates who have taken the examination on the given date have been evaluated and the marks have been submitted by the examiners, the council has said.

It is the duty of the head of the school to provide necessary infrastructure and IT support to ensure timely submission of marks to the CISCE, the circular says.

After the completion of the evaluation process the head of the school will ensure to organise the safe despatch of the “white cloth parcel” containing the evaluated answer script packet(s) to the CISCE immediately, the circular says.

The responsibility of the examiners is to report an hour before the commencement of the evaluation, which is 1pm for ICSE and 3pm for ISC.

The responsibility of the examiner is to complete the process of evaluation and submission of marks between 4 pm and 6.30pm for ISC and 2pm to 6pm for ICSE, the circular says.

The responsibility of the examiner is also to submit the marks of the evaluated answer scripts to the CISCE through the “Online Marks Capture” System.

A virtual orientation will be conducted for examiners in batches to understand the use of the online marks capture system.

Education Semester Examination Board Examinations
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