Bring home a touch of green

Add positive energy to your rooms this summer with indoor plants, and maintain them with expertised tips

Suhrid Chandra
Published 19.04.24, 06:44 AM

Nature can exist without human beings — perhaps thrive without human interference — but humans cannot live without Nature. So it is very important to understand how we can live closer to nature and bring greens into our homes. Let Nature’s peace flow into you. Living amid urban clutter does not allow us to have much space for greenery around us but whatever the indoor nooks and corners we have we can make space for a touch of Nature to bring tranquillity in our domestic life.

Plants always emit positive energy which channels into a feel-good environment. Plants can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. A study conducted by the department of horticulture and landscape at Washington State University found that workers who performed stressful computer tasks experienced a reduction in systolic blood pressure when plants were added to the work area. As the level of stress decreased, the workers also reported feeling more alert and focused, resulting in faster reaction times and increased productivity.


Today we will talk about six amazing indoor plants which do not require much care but give immense happiness with their positive energy and the ability to purify the air.

These plants are effective in removing harmful contaminants such as formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, toluene and carbon dioxide from the air, which can be found in everyday household items such as cleaning products, furniture, and carpets. These plants will also reduce the risk of respiratory problem.
Let’s usher in the Bengali new year by bringing a few new guests to become part of the family and be healthy and happy.

1) Peace Lily
2) Snake Plant (Mother in laws tongue)
3) ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
4) Money Plants (Pothos)
5) Areca Palm
6) Spider Plant

How to Water?

Watering is most important for indoor plants. Over-watering kills the plant. Do not water the plant if the soil is moist. Always check the soil moisture before watering. For ZZ plant, water only twice a month. The volume of water would depend on the size of the pot and soil content. Water only that much which would be sufficient to wet the soil.


Every plant requires light to survive. Bright diffuse sunlight or artificial light is good for all these six plants. ZZ and Snake Plants survive in low light also. If you are keeping Areca palm in a low-light area, try to place it for a day of a week in diffuse bright sunlight.

Nutrient management

Plants do require food to survive. So once every 15 days, we have to add some organic manure or home-made compost.


Keep the plant clean by removing the dust on the leaves. Keep the soil surface free from dead leaves and stems. Wash plant leaves with a damp cloth. These will keep the plant healthy and will keep pests away from the plant.

Hope you have got a fair idea about the basics of indoor plant management. Just treat plants as your family members, with tenderness. They will respond to your love.

So start gardening to reduce stress and anxiety levels, improve air quality, increase creativity and productivity, promote relaxation and better sleep, boost mood and happiness.

Suhrid Chandra is a social entrepreneur who specialises in green space management. He is a founder of HariMitti that has grown landscape gardens in several green verges across New Town.

Nature Plants
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