LAW OF LIGHT: The cycles of nature remain unbeatable despite technological advancement

Modern-day social media skews our perception of success, promoting behaviours like sleep deprivation, excessive caffeine consumption, and relentless work habits, the only way for human beings to thrive is to live according to the cycles of nature

Luke Coutinho
Published 21.01.24, 09:50 AM

Modern-day social media skews our perception of success, promoting behaviours like sleep deprivation, excessive caffeine consumption, and relentless work habits. Ironically, humans are the only species sacrificing health for productivity. Our fixation on societal markers — job titles, material possessions, luxurious vacations — blinds us to the disruption of our internal biological clock. When we rush ahead, outpacing nature, it often results in a slowdown of our well-being, leading to illness.

Our unique bodies were intelligently built and designed to work according to something called the circadian rhythm — a sleep-wake or day-night cycle. This rhythm generates different feelings such as wakefulness and sleepiness, hunger, and satiety during a 24-hour cycle. Everything we do, from sleeping and eating to digesting, secreting certain hormones, bowel movements, and detoxification, works according to this circadian rhythm, which determines how our body carries out different processes during different times.


If you have ever pulled an all-nighter, worked a late-night shift, or travelled across time zones, you know the consequences of disrupting this biological clock. It affects your body, causing irregular bowel movements and disturbing sleep patterns. When we challenge the laws of nature and go against the circadian rhythm that governs thousands of functions in the human body at a cellular level, even the best fitness plans, treatments, pills, doctors, nutritionists, spiritual healers, or yoga experts become meaningless.

It is like crafting the perfect dough, yet baking it in an unfavourable environment! Similarly, our well-being hinges on aligning our internal and external environments. In my 13 years of experience with handling individuals with various illnesses, I have witnessed the power of coaching individuals back into sync with their circadian rhythm. When we realign with nature’s flow, the body’s innate restorative abilities spring into action, fostering healing and vitality.

This approach, what I call “The New Way of Living”, is not revolutionary; it is a return to how we are meant to exist. Generations before us thrived by honouring nature’s rhythms, leading vibrant, fulfilling lives. And you can too! This is not about sacrificing enjoyment; it is about harmonising with our natural rhythms while maintaining a rich social life.

Wondering if aligning with the circadian rhythm requires a hefty investment? Fear not, it is a cost-free journey. It is just about partnering with nature’s rhythm, and the best gifts of nature are free.

Thousands of individuals from across the world who have adopted the circadian rhythm living reported transformations. Some of them are the following:

 Reduced acidity (if you tend to wake up with a heavy feeling, you will feel lighter and your bloating will reduce);

 Less of arthritic pains;

 Better sleep quality;

 If you are feeling restless with constant thoughts cluttering your mind, you will be able to feel calmer and at peace. You tend to be happier and connected when in sync with nature;

 Significant improvement in overall health for people with gut issues, hyperacidity, hypertension and type 2 diabetes;

 Feeling leaner as there is reduced water retention;

 Fewer cravings, higher energy levels and faster fat loss;

 More time for themselves, their family, work and hobbies; and

 More discipline in daily routine.

This way of living helps harness your body’s intelligence if you have tried all the lifestyle changes and medicines and nothing is working for you.

Nivedita, a participant in one of our global circadian rhythms challenges we rolled out a few months ago, shared, “My sleep quality has improved, I feel lighter, and my bowel movements are better.” Similarly, Taru (another participant) expressed, “My sleep is more peaceful, and I feel more active during the day.”

Imagine waking up to a flatter stomach, radiant skin, and reduced cravings! But it does not end there. Consistently syncing with the circadian rhythm can also boost immunity, reduce inflammation, enhance recovery, elevate energy levels, and improve skin and hair health.


Here are nine simple guidelines to live in harmony with the circadian rhythm:

1. Wake up with the rising sun.

2. Avoid looking at gadgets right after waking up; use this time to connect with nature, soak up natural sunlight, and try to clean your bowels within an hour of waking up.

3. Try to avoid eating anything until the sun rises.

4. Drink coffee or tea at least three hours after waking up.

5. Eat, work out, sleep, and wake up around the same times every day to build up a rhythm.

6. Consume the maximum calories for breakfast and lunch and the minimum for dinner. Let dinner be the leanest meal of the day.

7. Eat the last meal of the day before or during sunset and fast through the night (dry or intermittent, based on whatever is comfortable) and only break it the next day after sunrise. This automatically results in a 12-hour effortless fast most naturally.

8. Keep a two- or three-hour gap between dinner and bedtime.

9. Disconnect from blue/artificial light close to bedtime as these kinds of lights suppress melatonin secretion. This should be done an hour or two before bedtime, the earlier the better. Plan your day if you want to fit in television or other modes of recreation.

That is all one needs to follow to align their routine with nature’s. Simple, right? Yet many overlook simplicity, seeking complex solutions and yet find none.

Remember, the circadian rhythm is built by the biggest expert of them all — nature. Even if you find it difficult to follow and unsuitable to your likes and dislikes, take away what you can from it and build your lifestyle. Times may change, but our bodies and the way they function remain the same. So, do the fundamentals according to the principles of nature.

Are you ready to practice this for five days a week and see a positive change? Here is wishing you good health, happiness, and an abundant life in sync with nature’s grace.

Picture: istock

Luke Coutinho is a Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle — Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine expert, and founder of You Care — All About You by Luke Coutinho

Nature Technological Advancement Human Beings
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