Hydroponic farming might be the quick and easy way to get your greenery fix

And all it takes is a fun day setting it up and two minutes of your time weekly to change the water

Hydroponics Sourced by the Telegraph

Monika Poddar
Published 30.03.23, 12:22 PM

As urbanites, we all crave for some greenery. Are you someone who has always wanted your own green produce? If yes, then what’s stopping you? Lack of space, lack of knowledge, or do you think it’s a lot of work? Whatever your situation, there’s one thing I can assure you — you need neither. Puzzled? Let’s get introduced to the concept of hydroponic gardening.Imagine the space outside your doorstep filled with greens. We’re talking about having real and lively plants wherever you want to see them.They could be in a room ,perhaps your office desk or even the bathroom for that matter.

As kids we all have studied how photosynthesis works — plants need water, nutrients and sunlight to make their food and grow. The role of soil is to provide these nutrients to the plant. However, thanks to science, it is now possible for us to provide these nutrients through water. So, we can safely say that soil is just a medium and can be replaced by an alternative. Thanks to technology, we also have other sources of light for plants.


Just as the name suggests, hydroponic gardening is all about gardening with water. There are plenty of ways of designing this system. We will go through the user-friendly ones and see how easily you can build an aqua garden and watch your plants grow without having to pay attention to them every single day.

How Does Hydroponic Gardening Work?

When you choose to avoid soil and the hassle of watering plants daily, you make arrangements differently. Some alternatives to the soil that you can find in the market are coconut coir/ pine bark/ peat/ growstone. You will also find nutrient solutions (in powdered and liquid forms). Mix it with water and immerse your plant’s roots in the mixture. To go step by step, here’s how you can proceed:

Create one at Home?

Building up a large system to grow plants may be too technical. However, if you want to have some fun creating a green space in your home or office we have two super-easy methods to share.

Wick System

This system is simple ,you don’t need any electrical equipment to create it. You can use whatever you have at home from jars and trays to buckets and aquariums.

Materials required

How it Works

Plants You Can Grow

Deep Water Culture

This system is also easy to build and easy to maintain as the roots are directly in contact with the water and nutrient mix. You’ll need a big reservoir and an air pump.

Materials required

Green plants growing in pots in a hydroponic tank

Hydroponic mint cultivation

How it Works

Plants You Can Grow

Are You Willing to Give it a Shot?

Your plants could be anywhere you want them. A jar of mint right on your work desk for you to enjoy its scent while working, or to enjoy its fresh leaf as a mouth freshener when you return from lunch. Or, microgreens in your kitchen, to be used whenever you make a salad. All it takes is a fun day setting it up and two minutes of your time weekly to change the water. Believe me, it’s not rocket science.

Monika Poddar owns plant boutique Chlorofyl. Reach her on @ChlorofylKol on Facebook and @chlorofyl_giftinggreens on Instagram

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