Couture by Niharika, the brainchild of Calcutta-based fashion designer Niharika Kamani, launched its new collection at Aza Kolkata, last week. Niharika who has dressed the likes of Bolly and Tolly celebs like Kareena Kapoor Khan, Dia Mirza, Raveena Tandon, Raima Sen, Rukmini Maitra and Mimi Chakraborty among others, is currently showcasing a range of fusion wear in a refreshing pastel palette at Aza Kolkata. Intricate design detailing, crafted in classy silhouettes with a hint of trendy, involving fringes, capes and ruffles to elevate the style quotient, are signatures of her design aesthetic that this collection called ‘Aeroice’ highlights. It stands out in offering a variety of options in tone-on-tone, silverwork and pearl-detailed outfits. Glimpses from the launch event and the collection at Aza Kolkata:
Designer Speak
“We have worked with Niharika for many years now… since she started her label. We have worked with her in Delhi and Bombay, so it just made sense to continue our collaboration for the Calcutta store as well. She is from Calcutta, so she understands the market sentiment and the aesthetic which will work in this city. Her pieces are perfectly crafted and easy-to-wear outfits. Her colour choices are a lot of pastel tones and neutral colours, like black and white, which suit everyone. When it comes to dressing up for an occasion now, people want pieces which are an interesting mix of Indian craftsmanship along with Western aesthetics in terms of the cuts and silhouettes. Niharika is an expert in fusionwear. Her pieces have cuts in a very flattering way. They are in a way almost international. At the same time, the embroidery or the handwork which goes into making every single piece is very intricate and that is coming from an Indian form of craftsmanship. She does that blend beautifully,” said Devangi Parekh, director, Aza Fashions.
“Initially, my brand was into the wholesale and retail segment space. So to reach out to other segments in other cities, Aza was the best platform that I could have. For this collection, I am not doing anything bridal or for the day of the marriage. Nothing in reds or maroons. I chose a complete pastel palette. My garments can be picked up for sangeet or reception functions or for engagement. That is my USP and I stick to it,” said Niharika Kamani. Elaborating on her design aesthetics, Niharika said: “I have a range where we have capes and drapes. I don’t follow trends. I am into garments that have more recall value. More like classics. I work a lot with tone-on-tone.” Talking about her collaboration with Aza, styling celebrities and her new collection, Niharika said: “I started with them two-and-a-half years back. We started with one store in Bandra, then we spread into seven more. For two-and-a-half years they have helped us to grow as a brand. Aza is supporting me in reaching out to my customers and we want to see how people are reacting to the silhouettes. I started by dressing Tollywood celebs and then a lot of singers and gradually Bollywood celebs, too. It is a great feeling because when they started picking up my collection, I understood they are liking the designs and then I started making more of what I used to make. My new collection is called Aeroice. The embroidery is done entirely in silver tones and I have used a lot of pearls. I have added cutwork and a crystalline effect that justifies the name of the collection.”