Coke Studio Bangla premiered on YouTube on February 7 with the debut single Ekla Cholo, a modern take on Rabindranath Tagore’s Ekla cholo re, performed by an ensemble of Bangladeshi artistes.
The celebrated and widely loved musical franchise is now set to win hearts in Bangladesh.
The signature fusion music of the Coke Studio franchise, which launched in Pakistan in 2008 and in India in 2011, blends traditional roots with global sounds. It promises to bring the “musical magic of Coke Studio to Bangla Music” and put Bangladeshi native melodies on the centre stage.
The inaugural season features a star-studded line-up of Bangladeshi legends from diverse genres, including Momtaz Begum, Bappa Majumdar, Pantha Kanai, Dilshad Nahar Kona, Samina Chowdhury and Mizan, as well as many new promising talents from the industry. At the forefront of this endeavour is popular singer and composer Shayan Chowdhury Arnob, who has joined as the music producer. The first season is slated to have a playlist of 10 songs, along with a few special surprises.