She rates his fashion sense generously at “zero”, while he rates her 11/10. Bhotbhoti actress-director pair Bibriti Chatterjee and Tathagata Mukherjee were fun and candid to shoot a Puja special with. She looked gorgeous in saris while he smart in kurta-dhoti. Hair and make-up pro Abhijit Paul opened up his beautiful south Kolkata residence, only for The Telegraph, for the shoot and multitasked laying out a delicious lunch for the crew while getting Bibriti ready. Stylist Anupam Chatterjee got Bibriti and Tathagata into traditional looks with a millennial soul. We leave you with an album.
I love wearing saris. Strangely, I never used to wear saris, but now, it’s a go-to for me. I loved the purple sari look the most. I also tried gold lips for the first time. From the last look, I loved the laid-back vibe. I think I am relaxed with my poses when no one is around (laughs) and since Tathagata has already directed me, I become conscious! (Laughs) He was precise but also gave us liberty in Bhotbhoti, but I am intimidated by him (laughs)! My Puja message for him is: ‘Loosen up, bro!
I love teaming my kurtas with denims and dhotis. If I am in Kolkata for Pujas, I’d normally wear a pair of denims and a designer shirt or a kurta. I am not at all fashionable and don’t end up buying clothes.... Aamar jama kapor er choice usually aamar partner ke dekhe bujhte hoi! (Laughs) I have lots of Puja memories from when I was a kid. I have grown up in north Kolkata and remember the gaaner lorais at the pandals, travelling to south Kolkata to see the Pujas here.... Falling in love during Pujas had a different kind of a charm altogether. Pujas give you a feeling of growing up... travelling on your own, eating at a restaurant of your choice, paying your own bill. Going around the city the entire night with the family was thrilling. Pujas meant freedom... ja ichhe tai korar license. When it comes to fashion, I will give Bibriti 11 out of 10! She is conscious of what she wears and even when she is casually dressed, there’s a careless beauty in that too
Pictures: Pabitra Das
Hair and make-up: Abhijit Paul; Assisted by: Sananda Mondal Laha; Styling: Anupam Chatterjee
Saris and blouses: Parama; Kurtas, dhoti: Kanishka’s
Jewellery: B. Sirkar Johuree and Gahane Jewellery