Fresh out of the success of Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Amitabh Bachchan starrer Brahmastra where Mouni Roy plays an antagonist, she looks a bit tired but ever ready to take up new challenges. “I am not very well, but I am still hustling every day,” concedes the actor ahead of the launch of Marks & Spencer’s 95th store in India and third in Kolkata at ITC Sonar. Looking jazzy in a black skirt and top with gold sequins and teaming it up with black stockings, Mouni shares with us her obsession for the colour black, how she practices sustainability and why coming to Kolkata is like a picnic to her. An exclusive tete-a-tete with The Telegraph.
How does it feel to come back to Kolkata?
Every time I come here it’s like a picnic — the food, the people, the love and kindness that I get here; I can never have enough of it, I just love it. I usually come here for work because I don’t have my family here anymore. My family is in Cooch Behar and in Mumbai now. Also, my brother who was studying here has now shifted to Mumbai. So, I come to Kolkata for work and to catch up with a few friends.
And how hard is it to abstain from indulging in food here?
I don’t restrain myself from eating, I eat everything! I eat everything and exercise, though I have not been able to exercise much for a long time now but yes people will get shocked if they see me eating. I know it doesn’t show on my body and people might think that I starve myself, but it’s just the opposite.
You are here this time for Marks & Spencer…
I have personally loved Marks & Spencer. I love their lingerie, their pyjamas and their formals as well. When they called me, I was super excited because it’s a brand that I love. We have a store right next to where I stay in Mumbai and it’s hard to resist the temptation to not get in and pick up something. So, my wardrobe has a lot of their products. What I am wearing is from their party collection and let me tell you, I love bling and love clothes with sequins but after a point they make you uncomfortable and leave you with rashes. But this set is so comfortable. I have been wearing it for an hour and it’s soft on my skin.
What is it that you look for when buying clothes?
I look for everything — comfort, fit and design being the prime factors. I love clothes, I love buying clothes and I love experimenting with them as well.
Are you a compulsive shopper?
(Hesitates and then confesses) Unfortunately, I am.
Do you like online shopping or offline?
I opt for both the avenues. (Smiles)
What’s your latest buy?
I bought a handbag recently.
You have fetish for?
I am obsessed with the colour black. So I love everything in black. Among the apparels, I love the LBD and sari.
Sustainability and slow fashion are the buzzwords now. Since you love shopping, how do you ensure you are practising responsible fashion?
I consciously wear my clothes many times. I have a few favourites like my formal pants, black tees and pyjamas which I love repeating. If you follow my airport looks you will see that I do repeat clothes, however I mix and match as well, taking out an old tee or jacket. I believe other celebs and influencers should also practise sustainable fashion and not indulge in fast fashion. I am sure everybody has favourites and everybody has washing machines at home. I am not saying that you don’t buy new clothes but wear it responsibly because you are a trendsetter.
Whether it’s a sari or an LBD or a formal suit, you ace in all. Tell us about your fashion game.
I have a personal sense of style and I don’t follow fashion blindly. Of course, I look for trends but I don’t follow them mindlessly. I look for comfort primarily and fits are important too. It’s all about knowing what compliments your body and taste in fashion and then channelising it.
What are the must-haves in winter?
Jackets and socks. I love socks and I have them in every shape, size and colour.
Talking about your filmography, we saw you in a very different avatar in Brahmastra and now we will see you in The Virgin Tree. How excited are you for it?
I can’t talk much right now about it but I can assure you that it will be one roller-coast of a movie. I loved the script as much as I loved Brahmastra and there are very interesting projects coming my way and I am excited to play them all.