Veteran fashion designer Anju Modi will be showcasing at the fashion show, the big attraction on the December 18 opening night of Neotia Arts Trust presents The India Story in association with The Telegraph. The genial designer gives The Telegraph a sneak peek of what to look forward to.
Welcome to Kolkata! You are showing in Kolkata after how many years?
Oh my god! (Laughs) A proper fashion show? Must be after seven-eight years or so. A time before the pandemic seems like a past life. (Laughs).... (We have) totally forgotten how the world used to be.
What can you tell us about what we can expect?
I always design for real people and my real people are like you and me. Somehow my design expression is inspired by how you or I would dress for an event or how I dress my bride. I bring my style, weaving, colours and craft. These are ingredients for my collection. The audience should feel that they too can wear it.
Are you making a fresh collection for The India Story?
Fresh pieces get made on a regular basis. When we are preparing for something, we quickly churn out a few more pieces and then we mix and match. And, my pieces are timeless. If I pair an aubergine dupatta with an off-white combination instead of say, red, then it starts looking different. It also gives the audience an idea that you can mix and match your previous wardrobe by just buying one or two things because I am a promoter of reinventing or recycling.
The need of the hour...
Yes... and less of wastage. I tell my client that don’t buy too much. Just buy these two things and your wardrobe will look new. It is about thinking about everyone around you.
What do you think of The India Story?
The very first year it happened, one of my sisters and I had especially flown down to attend it. It was so well done, beautifully organised and aesthetically curated that I felt even Madhuji (Neotia, managing trustee, Neotia Arts Trust) was like a perfectionist and she has an eye for good things. After two years of a pandemic, we are eager to experience The India Story again. It has had a great response and has a great overall presentation.
And, do you love coming to our city?
I love Kolkata... yes, I won’t stay there... I love Delhi for that, but I would visit Kolkata every 15 days in a month, if people tell me to. I’ll have my phuchkas... (Laughs)... that is one big attraction. My cousins and friends are there. I was born and brought up in Ranchi and Kolkata has been my second home since my formative years.
- Aartivijay Gupta
- Alok & Harsh
- Amrita Thakur
- Anju Modi
- Anju & Pranav
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- Aseem Kapoor
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- Bloni
- Studio Metallurgy
- Cord
- Cosa Nostraa
- Devina Juneja
- Devnaagri
- Three
- Dot
- Dyelogue By Rachita Parekh
- Gems and Jewels Palace
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- House Of Three
- I Am Design
- Jatin Malik
- Kesya
- Khanijo
- House of Ksara
- Medium
- Vaayu
- Patola of Patan
- Rishi & Soujit
- Rohira Jaipur
- Scarlet Sage
- Bhuramal Rajmal Surana Johuree since 1735 by Chandra Surana
- The Right Sided
- Tholia’s Kuber
- Toramally
- P.C. Totuka & Sons
- Urvashi Kaur
- Vishwa by Pinki Sinha
Look who’s coming to #TIS
- Abkasa
- Ambir
- Anurag Gupta
- Aruni
- Bhavya Ramesh
- The Cai Store
- CVH Studio
- Chillosophy
- Cinderella by Heena Yusuf
- Couché
- Countrymade
- Duet Luxury
- Esme Crystals
- Isharya
- Jajaabor
- Jayshree Kanwat
- Kaha
- Kritika Murarka
- MADIHA Jaipur
- Nesolo
- Nitin Bal Chauhan
- Ode to Odd
- Saree Sneakers By Origgo
- Pallavi Swadi
- Pehr Silver
- Prashant Chouhan
- Radical
- The Silk Story
- Reik
- Kaasni By Rinku and Ritu
- Sakshi Jhunjhunwala
- Shivani Bhargava
- Son of a Noble
- Studiomoda India
- Suta & Co.
- Tann-ed
- The Tribe
- Valkyre
- Valliyan
- Vasundhara: Creative Jewellery