The interestingly named Shorts Reels Stories is a sprawling new cafe and restaurant that opened recently at Tetultala in Agarpara, in the extreme northern part of Calcutta. This latest hangout is one of its kind with unpretentious interiors and serving an array of scrumptious dishes. Shorts Reels Stories with its tasteful doodle art, pine wood finish decor and plants potted all over, offers a choice of exhaustive Continental, Chinese, Indian and tandoor cuisine, not to forget coffee, mocktails and hookahs.
It is the only cafe in the vicinity with the concept of an open mic, which means a guest can show off their singing skills while enjoying the food. It also has an attached unisex salon — Be Bonnie Hair and Beauty Salon. The name isn’t unfamiliar to most of us because Be Bonnie chain of salons has over 15 outlets in different locations in Calcutta. Having been in the hair and beauty industry for over 20 years, Be Bonnie Hair and Beauty Salon has earned many awards and accolades over time.
An adjoining banquet area has a sitting capacity of around 150 people for parties, meetings and conferences.
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What: Shorts Reels Stories Cafe and Restaurant
Where: Teltultala, Agarpara
Timings: 11 am-11 pm
Cost for two: Rs 599-plus