When we speak of Asian food, the common repertoire hardly moves ahead of Thai, Japanese or Chinese, but Southeast Asia has such a rich culinary heritage of cuisines that date back to centuries and each small nation has some stellar dishes of its own. Rediscovering this is the Mystical Asia food promotion that begins at The Verandah at Taj Taal Kutir Kolkata today.
“Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia are under-explored; there’s not much focus on their cuisine, so this is our endeavour to do something different. We’ve moved beyond the Thai Curry and Som Tam. The ingredients are similar but the end product is different,” said Tanuj Bahuguna, executive chef.
“Seamlessly interweaving nuances of different countries of Southeast Asia, Mystical Asia is our attempt to showcase the distinctive culinary culture of this region which is renowned across the globe for its delicate cooking practices, diverse spices and fine ingredients,” said general manager of Taj Taal Kutir, Sumit Singh Deol.
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