A press conference was held at Rotary Sadan by the West Bengal Film Journalists' Association on Friday. Actors Tota Roy Chowdhury, Rituparna Sengupta and director Soojit Dutta were present at the event. This year’s award ceremony will be held at Ajanta Circus in Patuli
Soumyajit DeyVenus appeared near the moon on Friday
Amit DattaPerspective, it's said, is the essence of everything. A pavement hawker sells an interesting curio near New Market
Amit DattaAs the night gets chilly, people warm up near the fire. The minimum temperature on Friday was 13.2˚C
AGNothing can be better than a cup of steaming milk or lemon tea to beat the winter chill on the Maidan
AGThe massive Corinthians pillars, beautiful arcade, huge domes and clock towers of the Metropolitan Building at Esplanade are now lit up with LED lights and renovation is also taking place in a phased manner. The Metropolitan Building was previously known as the Whiteway Building and was constructed by Kolkata-based contractors, Mackintosh Burn & Company
Amit Datta