Storyteller Bookstore, in collaboration with Penguin Random House India, recently hosted the third edition of The Librarians Meet, at their flagship store on EM Bypass. The event was a resounding success, drawing in over 100 registrations from schools across Bengal, and igniting a fervour for storytelling and reading among young minds.
The event kicked off with bestselling author and mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik taking centre stage as the keynote speaker, captivating a packed audience. He emphasised the role of librarians in nurturing the intellectual growth of children, urging them to foster a love for knowledge rather than external gains.
Pattanaik said that stories are not just about the ‘how’ but also the ‘why’. He poignantly highlighted the limitations of science, emphasising that stories fill the void where science falls short. He challenged the notion of simplifying real-world complexities for children, urging a nuanced approach to storytelling that doesn’t just create heroes but educates on the intricacies of the world.
Following this engaging start, a workshop by Geeta Ramanujam from Bangalore ensued, tailored explicitly for librarians. Her workshop delved into the art of storytelling, focusing on innovative tools to weave captivating narratives that enthral young listeners. She emphasised the power of interaction and involvement in storytelling, encouraging librarians to actively engage children in the enchanting world of tales.
It was followed by a panel discussion on the theme 'A library’s role in offering multicultural stories to young readers'. Esteemed authors Deepak Dalal, Lavanya Karthik, and Bijal Vachharajani, from different corners of India, joined the discussion.
Mayura Misra, proprietor Storyteller said: "This event offered a platform to the librarians and authors to meet. We have put together a thoughtfully organised programme which helps in shared learnings and interactions."