Rupkatha Rudra has been capturing the world as she sees it through her camera lens since she was five years old. What began as a child’s curiosity and fascination with the play of light and shadow has blossomed into a remarkable artistic journey. Now, at the age of 21, Rupkatha has crossed a significant milestone in her photographic career — her first solo exhibition, The Photographic Odyssey of Rupkatha, in association with t2 and held at the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Calcutta, from February 16 to 18, was a testament to the impact she has made in the world of art and photography.
The exhibition not only marked the culmination of years of passion, dedication, and creative exploration but also served as an invitation for the audience to step into her world, where each photograph encapsulated the essence of her journey from a young enthusiast to a burgeoning artiste.
Featuring over a 100 photographs, the exhibition delved into a myriad of themes, with Rupkatha’s photographs capturing human emotions, portraits, landscapes, the timeless allure of monochrome, street life, fashion, wildlife and nature. Her photographs, sourced from her expansive travels across Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Mysore, Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Masai Mara, the Serengeti, and beyond, depicted a rich tapestry that captured the essence and beauty of each destination that shone through her lens.
Speaking about her first solo exhibition, Rupkatha said: “I’ve been working with a camera ever since I was a kid, and I’m grateful to my parents for their support through the years. It’s been a long journey, but I’ve loved every moment of it. I’m very grateful for all the love and appreciation I’ve received, and I want to be someone who can help young photographers, especially girls, to realise and follow their passion. It’s very hard to judge what is good or bad in art, but if even one person is inspired to pick up their camera and follow their photographic inclinations, then my work will have been done.”