Tanusree Shankar Dance Academy students celebrate nature & welcome Durga at weekend shows

Seven dance performances and ballet engross audience at Rabindra Sadan

My Kolkata Web Desk
Published 10.10.23, 06:49 PM
The annual demonstration shows of Tanusree Shankar Dance Academy were held at Rabindra Sadan on October 7 and 8. A total of 350 students of the academy, right from the tiny tots of the pre-prep section to the graduates, presented dances they have learnt through the year. The concept and choreography was by Tanusree Shankar. The narration for the evening was by Victor Banerjee, while the lights were designed by Dinesh PoddarTaking inspiration for choreography from Tanusree Shankar, the faculty members choreograph the dances to music mostly composed by Ananda Shankar
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The annual demonstration shows of Tanusree Shankar Dance Academy were held at Rabindra Sadan on October 7 and 8. A total of 350 students of the academy, right from the tiny tots of the pre-prep section to the graduates, presented dances they have learnt through the year. The concept and choreography was by Tanusree Shankar. The narration for the evening was by Victor Banerjee, while the lights were designed by Dinesh PoddarTaking inspiration for choreography from Tanusree Shankar, the faculty members choreograph the dances to music mostly composed by Ananda Shankar

All photographs by Amit Datta
Curtains went up on the evening with ‘Celebration of Nature’. The first dance, christened ‘Dawn’, was presented by students of the Senior 1st year and was set to the music of Ananda Shankar, choreographed for the evening by Rita Kundu, Baisali Bhattacharya, Nandi Roy and Sujata Choudhury. The performers projected dawn as a radiant emblem of hope and renewal, which beckons us to embrace the promise of each new day
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Curtains went up on the evening with ‘Celebration of Nature’. The first dance, christened ‘Dawn’, was presented by students of the Senior 1st year and was set to the music of Ananda Shankar, choreographed for the evening by Rita Kundu, Baisali Bhattacharya, Nandi Roy and Sujata Choudhury. The performers projected dawn as a radiant emblem of hope and renewal, which beckons us to embrace the promise of each new day

It was followed by students of Senior 2nd and 3rd years putting up the next dance titled ‘Mother Earth’. They tried to portray how in safeguarding her, people had to ensure the well-being and prosperity of all generations, present and future. It was choreographed for the evening by Trisha Ghosh Chowdhury, Chaitali Banerjee, Avijit Mahato and Itu Nath and was set to the music of Ananda Shankar
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It was followed by students of Senior 2nd and 3rd years putting up the next dance titled ‘Mother Earth’. They tried to portray how in safeguarding her, people had to ensure the well-being and prosperity of all generations, present and future. It was choreographed for the evening by Trisha Ghosh Chowdhury, Chaitali Banerjee, Avijit Mahato and Itu Nath and was set to the music of Ananda Shankar

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Students of the Ladies Special Class presented the concept of Vandevi, the ‘Maidens of the Forest’. Like guardian spirits of nature, they stood in watch, nurturing the Earth with a grace that mirrors the poetry of their existence. Set to the music of Ananda Shankar, it was choreographed for the evening by Rita Kundu, Chaitali Banerjee, Baisali Bhattacharya, Trisha Ghosh Chowdhury and Nandi Roy

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Next up was a performance on riversā, which are nature’s arteries, coursing with life and inspiration, offering respite and serenity. Students of Transition 2nd & 3rd years, the dance has been re-choreographed for the evening by Rita Kundu, Baisali Banerjee, Nandi Roy, Sujata Chowdhury. The music score was by Ananda Shankar

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The audience enjoyed every moment of the performances and applauded after every dance

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Students of Prep I & Prep III danced in symphony, bearing testament to the intricate ballet of life within our ecosystems. Choreographed for the evening by Trisha Ghosh Chowdhury, Itu Nath, Saheli Roy, Moumi Dasgupta, it was set to the music of Ananda Shankar

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Next up was a tribal dance presented by the graduates, students of the Advanced Section, Senior 1st year and Senior Beginners. It was re-choreographed for the evening by Avijit Mahato and Nandi Roy. The music score is by Ananda Shankar

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Set to the music of Ananda Shankar, students of Junior 3rd year and Transition 1st year performed ‘Celebration of Nature’, portraying how in gratitude, people find the inspiration to safeguard and cherish our planet, leaving behind a legacy of love for generations yet unborn. It was choreographed for the evening by Avijit Mahato, Chaitali Banerjee and Itu Nath

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The second half of the cultural evening began with ‘Uddharan’, a first production choreographed by Tanusree Shankar following the demise of Ananda Shankar. She worked with a new music director, Taufiq Qureshi, which in itself was very challenging. This was her first experimental work coming out of the aura of Ananda Shankar. The production, showcasing the resilience of human beings, became so popular that it received the award for the Best production in 2002 from the state government. The ballet depicted the proverbial story of victory of good over evil and concludes with ‘Agomonir Alo’, welcoming goddess Durga, who is ‘Shakti’, the destroyer of evil

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Elizabeth Lee, director, the American Center, US consulate general, Kolkata was present on Saturday to watch the programme and to bless the students. She thoroughly enjoyed the evening at Rabindra Sadan

Dance Performance Cultural Performances Ananda Shankar Tanusree Shankar Rabindra Sadan Victor Banerjee Elizabeth Lee
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