Moms and Babies Fashion Show at Simbaa Playzone in Lake Mall on July 27 was a one-of-a-kind fashion show organised by director Indira Dhar Mukkherjee to introduce her upcoming short film STARS. Slated for release in September, STARS will be a unique film made with children and for children. Through this cute fashion show, Indira introduced the kids who are her cast in the film. The little ‘stars’ walked the ramp in style holding their mothers' hands. The guest of honour for the event, Koneenica Banerjee, and her daughter Kiah, walked the ramp as showstoppers. Mothers and kids donned comfy white outfits, while the kids took the swag level a notch higher by sporting sunglasses with their looks. The choice of the colour white was reflective of the human relationship at its purest form shared by a mother and child. The walk was followed by a brief screening of the film and the distribution of gifts to the mothers as a token of appreciation for their endless efforts in supporting the kids during the making of the film. Glimpses: