One of the biggest and most prestigious beauty pageants in the country, Nivea Presents Sananda Tilottama Powered by Margo in association with Gossip by Senco, kicked off on May 30 with the start of the prelims. The preliminary rounds of the contest were held in Calcutta, Durgapur and Siliguri, with the judges selecting the participants for the main prelims that were held in Calcutta on June 3. Judges Trina Saha (actor), Solanki Roy (actor), Abhishek Dutta (fashion designer) and Soubhik Payra (creative director) selected the top 10 finalists of the contest at the main prelims. Selected finalists are being groomed by supermodel Nayanika Chatterjee for the grand finale to be held on June 20 at Westin Kolkata Rajarhat. Glimpses of the various preliminary rounds of the event.