Weather forecast for Monday (25.11.2024)
The maximum and minimum temperatures on Monday are likely to be around 27°C and 17°C, respectively.
Mainly clear sky
Sunset: 4.51pm
Sunrise: 5.56am
Yesterday’s weather update (24.11.2024)
Maximum: 26.9°C (-2.3)
Minimum: 17.6°C (-0.7)
Rainfall: Nil
Maximum: 96%
Minimum: 46%
Kolkata Traffic Police have not posted a list of programmes that may affect the city traffic on Monday (25.11.2024) until 11.20am
The Calcutta Rowing Club is set to host the third International Friendship Sculling Regatta between November 17 and 30. More than 100 participants from the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, the US, South Africa and prominent scullers from India are expected to participate. The theme of this year s regatta is "The Power of Friendship". This year marks 100 years of CRC at Rabindra Sarobar.
Established in 1858 by British expatriates, CRC was originally located on the banks of the Hooghly and shifted to its present site in 1924. "The regatta emphasises the importance of camaraderie within the global rowing community. We believe that rowing transcends borders and brings people together, and we are committed to promoting this spirit through our events," said Chandan Roy Choudhury, club secretary.