The festival was inaugurated by (left) actress Sayantani Guhathakurta along with (right) K. Vijayan, general manager of Acropolis Mall, and Rukmini Paul, president of Pathchala, an NGO working for underprivileged children living in Kalighat. “At Acropolis, we believe in celebrating every season and culture. The aim is to provide a holistic experience to the shoppers in the mall. Even during the pandemic period, the mall was open and we tried our best to organise these festivals by following strict Covid protocols. I think it brought relief to the people from the mental lockdown more than the physical lockdown that the pandemic had put us through,” said Vijayan who gifted Christmas goodies to the children arranged for by the Merlin Group. “It feels beautiful to see the kids relish the cakes and sing Christmas carols with such enthusiasm. This is exactly what Christmas stands for,” added Vijayan