BizQuiz 2023 by the IIM Calcutta Alumni Association hosted a thoroughly engaging and eclectic quiz session at The Calcutta Club last week. The annual business quiz, which had been paused due to the pandemic, once again took an invigorating turn with enthusiastic participants. The finals saw eight teams competing in multiple rounds with the three highest scorers emerging as the top winners. Although the broad topic area was business and management, the questions at the quiz touched upon a wide range of subjects including films, music, history and more.
“BizQuiz was essentially established as a business quizzing platform by the IIM Calcutta Alumni Association. We were trying to bring business quizzing to Calcutta in an organised way. The quiz had been happening almost every year since its commencement in 2003 but due to the pandemic it had been halted for the past few years. But we have revived it this time. Being a “biz” quiz, it is a platform that aims to promote the discipline of business and management in the city,” said GM Kapur, chairman, IIM Calcutta Alumni Association.

Piyush Kedia and Raktim Nag won the third prize of the evening. “The quiz was definitely an interesting one. Although the format was a bit antiquated, we enjoyed the broad range of topics that were covered,” said Raktim.

“This quiz embodies something that Calcutta Club stands for — knowledge, education, and power. This year, even at our International Evening, education was at the forefront so we are happy with this association. It has been a marvellous evening as evident. Whoever wins and loses, it is participation that is most important,” said Pramit Kumar Ray, president, Calcutta Club (left) with GM Kapur.

Shayak Chakraborty and Anirudh Chari were the runnersup for the evening, coming a close second with 98 points. “It was quite an experience. We were glad we did so well because neither of us really have anything to do with business,” said Shayak (right).
The ultimate winners for the evening were Samanway Banerjee and Rabi Shankar Saha who scored a whopping 101 points. “We certainly did not expect to win because the competition was tough and there were a lot of good quizzers on stage. We thought it would be good if we even qualify for the finals. But then, as in a quiz, we waited for our turn and tried to maximise that. And we won by a slender margin. So it was quite a nerve-wracking experience,” said Samanway (extreme right).
Pictures: Biswajit Kundu